Recycling Building Waste is the ‘Cheapest Load of Rubbish’

When it comes to waste, there is seldom any good news about it. With an increased population growth and rapid urbanisation happening all around is, there has been a significant rise in the amount of construction and residential building waste. New environmental guidelines have seen governments encouraging the use of recycled materials in place of natural resources, and thanks to technology, materials can be processed and recycled into new products with new purpose. Australia generated 75.8 million tonnes of solid waste1 in 2018-19, which represented a 10% increase over 2016 to 2017. More than half of it (38.5 million tonnes) was sent for recycling, while 27% was shipped to a landfill for disposal, representing 20.5 million tonnes. Of this, 12.7 million tonnes (16.8%), was construction waste. At Select Windows, removing and recycling waste from renovation or residential building sites safely and responsibly, is a priority and something we take seriously. As an environmentally conscious company, Cheapest Load of Rubbish is a business we work closely with for this reason. When we install new doors and windows, you have the option to opt-in and have the old ones removed and discarded, along with any bricks and other rubble onsite, as part of our service to you. Cheapest Load of Rubbish comes on site and endeavours to recycle at least 80% of waste products removed from residential, building and construction sites – from concrete, brick and tiles, to soil, metal, cardboard and timber. All building waste is transported to their depot at St Peters, where it is then sorted, cleaned and then recycled through Waste 360, Bingo Group / Metropolitan Recycling or Banksmeadow Recycling.

How is this building waste recycled?

All building waste has to be sorted in order to be recycled. There is a process to this:
  • Soil products are sorted at the depot then taken to Waste 360 where it is on forwarded for cleaning and certified for recycling
  • Metal is taken to the depot and placed in the allocated metal bin, which is picked up daily by or dropped off to Sell and Parker/Sims Metal
  • Cardboard/paper is taken to and sorted at the depot and delivered daily to Visy Recycling
  • When it comes to timber, there is a re-usable market for it. Useable timber is stored at the depot and then distributed, as required, for re-use or taken to Waste 360 for recycling.
Any waste that is unable to be recycled is disposed of at the appropriate waste transfer stations, where these facilities also recycle. At Select Windows, you can rest assured that all debris and building waste is carefully and safely removed from your property after installation, using Cheapest Load of Rubbish to get the job done. If you are looking to replace or install new windows and doors in your home, contact our team today for a quote on 02 9938 1500 or visit our showroom to browse our entire range of doors and windows.