Select Team Member Jean Levin International Trip Showcase

Travel Adventure to Israel
Destination Israel, a small slice of earth, which fits between Sydney & Coffs Harbour (North/South) and Sydney & Bathurst (East/West) a land steeped in History, diversity and controversy.
Home for next few weeks was a Moshav ( co-operative agricultural community) in the Golan Heights. There are 132 Moshavs in the Golan Mountains, at the base of the mountains is the Kineret a fresh water lake which lies 210m below sea level.
The nearest town and more importantly coffee shop is a 45min drive down winding roads with the most breath-taking landscape of undulating pastural land, fruit orchards and dairy farms. We (my husband and myself) were present for the change of season from field of dry grass to thick snow cover and finally the absolute beauty of soft pastural land filled with wildflowers.
For a period of my stay I worked on a dairy farm, looking after new born calves for the 1st 60 days of their lives, after which they would be move out of the “nursery” and into larger groups to socialize, start eating grasses and grains to produce the quality of milk the dairies are known for.
Every town and City has a Shuk (pronounced shook) which is an open air dry market of fresh fruit, vegetable, cheeses, breads, irresistible pastries and of course the spices, herbs and grain. The aroma of these open sacs of spices draw you into the centre of the Shuk, where the hustle, bustle, and heart of a typical Middle Eastern Market exists.