Nick James, Sales Representative

Oct 15, 2021Staff Profile

In 30-seconds, tell me about yourself?
I’m a mid-twenties, Northern Beaches guy. I like Rock ‘n’ Roll, Metal, Dubstep, and Enya. I can’t stand seafood, and I can make terrible puns all day and half the night.

You’ve just started at Select Windows this month. Where did you previously work and what excites you most about joining the team at Select?
I previously worked as a Locksmith for two companies in the last seven years. Both were exciting opportunities that unfortunately suffered from management changes that impacted the culture of the workplace. The team at Select wants to be here, and looks at the long term plan of the business. I’m hoping for a scene change as I move industries, and I’m hoping that I can apply my existing experience and learn the new industry successfully.

What do you for fun outside work? I believe you’re big into gaming? What is your favourite game?
I’m actually a huge nerd. I like to play video games, mostly high fantasy (elves and wizards and such), and I really enjoy Dungeons and Dragons. D&D is a tabletop game where you share a story with the friends you play with, inserting characters into a world built by the game designers or the Game Master and taking on challenges in creative ways. The game is a great way to maintain a social life for the introverted types like myself, and fantastic fun with your friends. It’s worth mentioning I usually play three games a week with three different groups, one of which I run as the Game Master in a game world I created.

You’re a Northern Beaches local, what is your favourite restaurant and why?
There are some amazing restaurants on the Northern Beaches. I’m currently a fan of Rae’s Lunch Shop, a quiet little café next to Select Windows in Brookvale with homecooked meals ready to go.

We are slowly coming out of lockdown; what is on the top of your list to do?
Top of my list is to see my friends again, go out to a restaurant and eat at a table like we used to back in ye olden days pre-covid. We used to get together every weekend to play D&D, something we’ve only been able to do online for a good while now. I good really go for a pub lunch, too.

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