Ways To Save Money on Electricity During the Winter Months.

Feb 25, 2022Ideas

Outdoor setting shuttered windows
This week Billionaire businessman Mike Cannon-Brookes, the Atlassian co-founder, has been in the press saying that Australia should have the lowest-priced energy in the world. This coincided with AGL’s rejection of his $8b takeover bid. Billionaire businessman Mike Cannon-Brookes says he will continue to work with the board of energy giant AGL to pursue net-zero electricity generation, arguing it could help Australia have the “lowest-priced energy in the world”. That got us thinking; how can Select Window Installations customers save money on electricity this winter, where staying warm is the goal, and there are ways to save money while heating your home. Energy-saving tips for your home: 1. Invest in double glazing. 2. Your home will retain heat better if you make sure your windows and doors have weather stripping around them, so cold air can’t seep into the house. 3. Allow the sun to help your heater out by opening the curtains and shades during the day. 4. Make sure all your vents or heaters are clear of furniture, so they work more efficiently to circulate warm air. 5. Turning off standby appliances 6. Buy efficient appliances 7. Wash clothes at a lower temperature 8. Be smarter about water 9. Draught-proof your property 10. Insulate the roof In summer, a cool breeze is refreshing, and staying warm in winter is essential. It is important to consider the best design options for your location and individual needs with Australia’s diverse climate. Does your home need a window and door overhaul in time for winter? If yes, window and door replacements are much cheaper than you think. Call us today for a free measure and quote 9938 1500.